Thunderbolt pictures
Many pictures and photographs have been published in books and articles about Thunderbolt, some that actually represent Fred, others that do not. It is important and appropriate on this Thunderbolt website to provide a guide to the accuracy or otherwise of these pictures. The relevant pictures and links to their website representations are shown below. If anyone knows of any other Thunderbolt pictures, it would be great to add them to this webpage.
Morgue photos of Frederick Ward
The following two pictures were morgue shots of Frederick Ward taken by a local photographer after Fred was shot at Kentucky Creek in 1870.
Drawings of Frederick Ward
The following are drawings that used the morgue shots as their "model" and were produced in an attempt to make Thunderbolt look more life-like.
Claimed to be Ward
The following two pictures have been incorrectly attributed to Frederick Ward.
The picture on the left (below) was published in Hamilton and Sinclair's Thunderbolt: Scourge of the Ranges as a photograph of Frederick Ward. In the aftermath, descendants of another man came forward and proved that he was their own ancestor, not Frederick Ward (see Link)
The picture on the right is claimed to be that of Fred Ward at the time of his wedding - however Fred wasn't married (see Did Frederick Ward and Mary Ann Bugg marry?). This picture is found on a Thunderbolt web-page without any provenance (see Link).